Saturday, July 14, 2007

More Toys!

Few weeks ago, i gather the gang again to order some toys etc from a local toy supplier. They just delivered the items today.
This time I bought more things for Little DinoEgg. 3 toys to entertain him, 1 bathing mittens with 2 squeaky float n 1 utensil set.

This little fella is only interested in the fish spinning toy, keep "slapping" it to make it turn round n round.

He was very curious with the handphone to... till he gets bored with it later. Start dropping it on the floor, think its too heavy for him. Anyway, he dropped this toy onto Daddy's ankle TWICE and on the same spot!!! Daddy cried out so loud *oh dear* He even dropped it on his own toes but no reaction fm him... duhz....

Now the coffee table is Sssoooooo messy! Full of his toys n pacifiers n wat-nots... Auntie Wendy!!! Have to get tt box from you soon!!!

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