Finally brought Little DinoEgg for his pneumococcla jab. Went to GP instead of PD as its cheaper, each jab costs $168 (including consultation fee) n Little DinoEgg needs 2 jabs.
When we were at the clinic, there were no patient. Little DinoEgg was still very happy, walking around exploring but when we enter the doctor's room, its as if he can sense tt its not a "happy" room, he starts to be cranky n whine. Struggled like hell when Doc wants to listen to his chest. He struggled so hard that I was afraid I could not hold him down when the Doc administer the jab, but he was ok. Of course cried very loudly but when Doc showed him a bottle of sweets, he took 1 and is smiling happily.
Went down to Boon Keng to meet up Adeline for lunch, suppose to meet Jessie too but the sky does not look friendly so she decided not to join us lest it starts to pour. Had a quick lunchie of fish porridge which Little DinoEgg enjoy so much. Adeline has to rush off back to work so we took our time to finish that big bowl of porridge.
Walked around at Boon Keng, went to the CD shop which Adeline & Jessie has been talking about but could not find the CD I liked. Headed home bound in the MRT, stopped at Compass Point to walk around. Went in Action City to look for a coin bank, ended up Little DinoEgg vomitted in the shop, not sure why but i suspect its coz when I carried him, I pressed against his tummy thus the water came right back up. Cleaned him up n wipe up the water (lucky its not alot) and left the shop heading for home.
In the evening Little DinoEgg has mild fever 37.4Deg, which is ok coz Doc says some children may develop fever after the jab. He was ok later that night and daddy checked his temperature again in the morning, A-OKAY :)
Next jab will be at least 2 mths from today, sometime around Chinese New Year.

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