I entered Little DinoEgg into the Race Prince & Race Princess contest where the 2 days semi finals are held on 27th & 28th Dec'08 at Changi Expo Centre.
27th Dec'08
When we enter the exhibition hall, we were greeted by bright lights n many shiny cars~ Little DinoEgg is very excited to the cars and its the also the 1st time I am so up close and personal with these racing cars! Even before I can take out my camera, Little DinoEgg is already dragging me to the cars n saying "Mummy take pictures!" And I managed to snapped couple of photos of him with 3 cars.
27th Dec'08
When we enter the exhibition hall, we were greeted by bright lights n many shiny cars~ Little DinoEgg is very excited to the cars and its the also the 1st time I am so up close and personal with these racing cars! Even before I can take out my camera, Little DinoEgg is already dragging me to the cars n saying "Mummy take pictures!" And I managed to snapped couple of photos of him with 3 cars.
While waiting for the contest to start we went over to the race car section to drive the motorised car n record the time taken to finish the "race course". Well the children were supposed to drive thru the race course marked out with tape on the floor but Little DinoEgg was simply too young to understand the rules haha~ He drove every where thinking that it is like the motorised bike at home where he can just drive aimlessly. Anyway I told the perosn in charge to exclude him from the race since he broke the 1st rule; drive within the course ^^
After the while its time for the contest~~~~ And Little DinoEgg is No 4!! Hmm... not a very lucky number -.-" Today is only doing a cat walk, answer 1 simple question; How old are you?, here is Little DinoEgg~~
I was afraid that he may have stage fright which is expected since this is the first time he is in such situation. Surprisingly he handled the situation well. Maybe he was feeling abit dazed as its passed his nap time, too stoned to feel any fear etc.
28th Dec'08
Today its photo taking with some cars~~ According to the event coordinator, they will walk around the exhibition area and then poses with some cars, taking some individual photos. However when its time to start the contest, we found out that they have changed the cars to 2 motorized cars, such a disappointment. Anyway, as Little DinoEgg was still coughing n I gave him the medicine earlier, it made him abit drowsy. He went through the photo taking in a dazed mind. And when they announce the results an hour later, Little DinoEgg was not selected to go into the finals.
AH-well~~ its a good experience though, plus we get to see some great n beautiful cars *grinz*
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