Little DinoEgg is feeling under the weather since Thursday. Started with some coughs, then escalates to bad cough and running nose. Dispite the medicines I gave him; 1 for cough, 1 for easing air way n 1 for running nose, he has been coughing badly at night, making him unable to sleep. It affected me too... coz once he cough he will jerk him whole body, sometimes kicking his feet up. He will also toss n turn all over the whole bed. Well he fell down the bed twice or thrice, lucky I put pillows on the floor just in case. Once he fell down, sat up, cried for me but before I can carry him up, he climbed up the bed himself, position his pillow nicely then lay his head down and continue to sleep.
With the contest coming up next Saturday, I gotta let him get well fast. So,tomorrow its off to see Dr Sharon, hopefully she can make him well.
With the contest coming up next Saturday, I gotta let him get well fast. So,tomorrow its off to see Dr Sharon, hopefully she can make him well.

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