This is my 2nd attempt, 1st attempt was only half successful. The "abacus" was too hard. I brought some over to let mum taste, she says I did not put enough tapioca flour. So this time, I make sure I put more flour then the last round.
The "abacus seeds"
This took me half a day to prepare n finally lay it on the table. Was kneading the yam dough when its time for swimming lesson, I throw every thing into the fridge n off to the pool for an hour. Luckily daddy help me to soak the dried mushroom, black fungus n dried shrimps. He also help me to cut them into strips while I was at the pool.
I heat up the oil, throw in the dried shrimp to fry it till the fragrance comes out. Next goes in the chopped scallion. In goes the mushroom, the black fungus, shredded carrots n follow by the meat (the meat mixed with some oyster sauce & sesame oil). After boiling the "abacus seeds" into a pot of boiling water (I added some oil into the water so that the "seeds" will be coated with oil and will not stick together), I threw them in to stir fry with all the ingredients.
The process of stir frying looks like a failure. The "abacus seeds" stick together, daddy says perhaps its coz I added too much tapioca flour. I was disappointed. Daddy to the rescue~ trying to salvage the dish n help me with the cooking. Well, it looks ok n yummilicous when its done.
The dish
Daddy took a small potion to eat n he says its tasty~ I was doubtful, how can it be tasty... it gave me an "abacus seed" to taste n wow! Its better then the 1st attempt. It has the "springy" effect when you chew it. Daddy says he can taste the yam after chewing it. So I was happy, at least its not a half or total failure.
Daddy says "next time u try to steam the "abacus seeds" instead of boiling it, see hows the result." Ok.... next time... maybe few months down the road haha~
This is a fairly simple dish, the only tedious part is preparing the "abacus seeds". First have to steam the yam till its soft, after it cooled down for a while, I mash them up. After that I knead them with tapioca flour till its a firm dough. Roll them into strands n cut into small size, roll them into slightly flatten "seeds". This whole process usually takes 2 hours to finish. By time my back n arms are already aching....

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