Just came back from a day's out @ United Square & Jayden's birthday party.
Meet up with Jessie+Denise+Zenson, Audrey & Adeline+Willie+Kayton at United Square to shop around and for dinner. Suppose to meet at Taka to support Willie for the Subaru challenge but alas.. he was not selected. Nevermind Willie, next year try again!!!
I took a cab to United Square as we were running late. While nearing the desitination, I tried to look for my wallet and could not find it! i panicked.. coz I remember I put it in my bag but thinking perhaps I was distracted by Little DinoEgg's cries before we came out I have misplaced it somewhere on the table. I quickly called Adeline, wanting to ask if she has reached n whether she could pay for my cab fare, as usual.. she did not answer the call -_- Next I called Jessie, thank God she answered, she says ok! Was relieved, at least the cab driver wun send me to police station haha~ Then I decided to try to look for my wallet again n this time i search slowly, the it strikes me! I actually put it in the zipped compartment which I missed it earlier on *phew* Quickly text Jessie that I have found my wallet.. silly me~
We shopped around, mostly window shopping as none of us have any intentions to buy things, just wanna spend a day out. The kiddos enjoy it the most. Little DinoEgg was so happy to be out in shopping centres n running around, ignoring me totally. Once in a particular shop, he wanders in the shop n hold on to a Filipino man's hand, thinking its his Daddy haha~ when I found him, he looked at me confused, then he looked up to that uncle and realised he just hold on to a stranger's hand hee~ He quickly let go of the hand n walked quickly to me. The Filipino man n his wife/gf (not sure lah) was so amused by Little DinoEgg.
After wondering around United Square for about 2-3hours we sat down in the food court and have our dinner. I ordered an Unagi rice to share with Little DinoEgg, he ate almost half of tt BIG bowl of rice!!! About an hour before he had some fried carrot cake!! Wow~ really can eat manz!
At around 8pm, we parted our ways... I need to go to Jayden's birthday. Shared a cab with Audrey back to Seng Kang. Reach Fernvale at 8plus, was looking around for Jolene's blk when I heard someone calling out to me, its Jayden's daddy (sorry forgot ur name :P). He was downstairs with Jayden n his dad n brothers. The guys came down to take a walk in the garden n happens to see me, how conincident. Jayden's daddy was kind enough to lead me to his house.
There were alot of family members in the house, so nice~ all here to celebrate Jayden's 1st birthday. Little DinoEgg enjoyed himself too, saw the balloon n keep pointing to it. 1 of the jie-jie took 1 down for him to play, n he did not let it out of his hands n sight till we go home. I have to coax him to give me tt balloon, tricking him to say bye-bye to all n quickly hide tt balloon away.
Everyone love Little DinoEgg, seeing him walking around aimlessly, smiling n playing "dar~" with everyone. I let him roam the house n sat one corner relaxing hee~ tired after the walking at United Square. He was ok with everyone carrying, playing, talking to him etc so I just let him be.
After a while its cake cutting time. WOW~ Jayden's cake is so beautiful~~~!!! 2 layer n the theme is Sesame Street. The cake is very tasty too, not too much cream n the chocolate sponge cake is yummy! Must get the cake shop name n contact from Jolene hehehe~
We left Jolene's house around 930pm. Walked to the bus stop, thinking we should be home soon BUT bus 163 takes forever to come! Haiz... by time we reach home its pass 10pm. It took us quite a while to finally patted Little DinoEgg to sleep.
I am feeling so tired... will be hitting the sack straight after I finish this post. Good Night Everyone~

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