Little Peter Rabbit
Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Peter rabbit had a fly upon his nose
Peter rabbit had a fly upon his nose
Peter rabbit had a fly upon his nose
And he flipped it and he flopped it and the fly flew away
Floppy ears and curly whiskers
Floppy ears and curly whiskers
Floppy ears and curly whiskers
And he flipped it and he flopped it and the fly flew away
rabbit - do rabbit ears with fingers
fly - flap arms
nose - point to ur nose
flipped & flopped - use left/right hand to do sweeping action near nose
floppy ears - do rabbit ears with fingers
curly whiskers - do curling action with index fingers near cheeks
To turn this tune into a singing game, sing the song four times. Leave out the word rabbit on the second verse, but do the motions. On the third verse, leave out rabbit and fly, but do the motions. On the fourth verse, leave out rabbit, fly and nose, but do the motions.
Happy Singing~
If you still do not know how to sing, ask me when u see me :)
If you still do not know how to sing, ask me when u see me :)

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