Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Visit to KKH

A few of us went down to KKH to visit Amy. She looks well, tired but mainly I think bored hahah~ Romi looks tired, heard he spent a nite on the bench at the taxi stand. It was such a freezing nite and Mr Mossie wun stop bothering him. *aawwww~~~ poor fella~~*

We chatted n gossiped n laughed, treat it as our usual gathering, we made so much noise that the nurse have to shh-ed us hahaha~ No respect for other patients ya, so bad of us.

BUT, cannot deny that we cheer Amy up alot. She looks better by the time we leave her.

Have a good rest Amy, after that we go cheong!!!! Cheong Wendy's house for baked macaroni ok hee~

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