We have always been bothered by Little DinoEgg's Mandarin, when he speaks them it is always with an English accent. For example, instead of saying Chong(1) *pause* Liang (2) a.k.a bathing, he says chongliang, as if he is pronouncing a 2 syllabus word -.-" Since we realised this "problem" we have started requesting him to speak Mandarin to Granny and Ya-Ya, somehow its not working very well. Bec still comments Little DinoEgg is so young and goes to tuition class,but cannot be help ya??? *sob sob*
3 Saturdays ago, I have to attend to something and there is no one available to take care of Little DinoEgg, so I decided to send him to school. I remembered Principal Sue says the fee includes half day on Saturdays. So the day before I asked Teacher Gina if I could send Little DinoEgg down, she says "of course ok~" and proceed to tell me the timetable.
8.30am breakfast
9.30am 30mins of Chinese lesson
11.30am lunch
2pm Home Sweet Home
*In between its art and craft or play time*
Frankly I did not know there is so call an additonal Chinese lesson on Saturdays. Teacher Gina says its indicated in the PG lesson plan schedule. OOppsss... now where did I check that piece of paper??? hahahahah~~
Anyway, today is the 3rd time he is going to Chinese lesson. I was afraid he do not want to attend class on Saturdays so I have to remind him "Tmr go school see 老师a.k.a teacher ok? 老师 will teach u songs, remember last week you sing 找朋友 a.k.a. Look for Friend song right?" He will nod and say yes etc etc...
So far he is enjoying it, except for 1 problem.... He takes his nap everyday at 12pm+ but since its a half day school on Saturday no naps were given. Thus around 12pm or 1pm+ he will be cranky n cry *duhz* Everytime I fetch him at 1.30pm+ he will be in tears or in bad moood....
And you think when he goes back to Granny's house he will immediatley takes his nap? NO! He will play with Uncle Simon and Sis Ya-ya till I have to force him into the bed room, lie down on the bed and pat him. Within 7mins he will be in dreamland :-)
I am looking forward to the day he can speaks clear and proper pronounced Chinese.
3 Saturdays ago, I have to attend to something and there is no one available to take care of Little DinoEgg, so I decided to send him to school. I remembered Principal Sue says the fee includes half day on Saturdays. So the day before I asked Teacher Gina if I could send Little DinoEgg down, she says "of course ok~" and proceed to tell me the timetable.
8.30am breakfast
9.30am 30mins of Chinese lesson
11.30am lunch
2pm Home Sweet Home
*In between its art and craft or play time*
Frankly I did not know there is so call an additonal Chinese lesson on Saturdays. Teacher Gina says its indicated in the PG lesson plan schedule. OOppsss... now where did I check that piece of paper??? hahahahah~~
Anyway, today is the 3rd time he is going to Chinese lesson. I was afraid he do not want to attend class on Saturdays so I have to remind him "Tmr go school see 老师a.k.a teacher ok? 老师 will teach u songs, remember last week you sing 找朋友 a.k.a. Look for Friend song right?" He will nod and say yes etc etc...
So far he is enjoying it, except for 1 problem.... He takes his nap everyday at 12pm+ but since its a half day school on Saturday no naps were given. Thus around 12pm or 1pm+ he will be cranky n cry *duhz* Everytime I fetch him at 1.30pm+ he will be in tears or in bad moood....
And you think when he goes back to Granny's house he will immediatley takes his nap? NO! He will play with Uncle Simon and Sis Ya-ya till I have to force him into the bed room, lie down on the bed and pat him. Within 7mins he will be in dreamland :-)
I am looking forward to the day he can speaks clear and proper pronounced Chinese.

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