Since the teachers have start teaching the Singapore anthem and pledge, Little DinoEgg will sing the anthem n pledge. Sometimes he will just sing or he will grab his guitar, strum it n sing the anthem while shaking his bum bum.
He will sing at the top of his voice "Mari kita" then as he goes on he gets softer coz he is still unsure of the lyrics, mixing phrases n words or mis pronounce the words as he goes *lol*
After he finishes his anthem he will say
"Put ur hand to your left chest.
We, the hihiten of Singapore
ple ourself as one uuu-ted people
... ...
... ... ...
progress for our nation.
Senand DI-RI!"
He will sing at the top of his voice "Mari kita" then as he goes on he gets softer coz he is still unsure of the lyrics, mixing phrases n words or mis pronounce the words as he goes *lol*
After he finishes his anthem he will say
"Put ur hand to your left chest.
We, the hihiten of Singapore
ple ourself as one uuu-ted people
... ...
... ... ...
progress for our nation.
Senand DI-RI!"

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