The weather is so unpredictable. Actually planned to go bird park in the morning but the sky starts to turn grey so the plan was held back. Mr Sun did not come out so I decided that we should go to T3 to shop n then have dinner there. While waiting for the time to pass (lazing around surfing web while Little DinoEgg watches tv), sis called and asked if I have plans to go any where. She suggested Polliwogs, for the kids to run around n have fun while we laze at the cafe next to it. Not a bad idea for a cool, gloomy day.
When we reach Polliwogs, we got a shock! There were SOOO MANY PEOPLE!!!! Its obviously over crowded and noisy :( The kids were disappointed that they could not go into Polliwogs but they got over it fairly quickly when we say we go cycling instead. The happiest of all is Little DinoEgg who wish that he could fly to the pit stop that instant.
Within minutes all 3 kids were on their bikes riding like the wind~~~ oh ok except for Han :P She's going slow n steady. Little DinoEgg zooms aheads of me so fast! I can't even catch up :( but he is still within my sight. Can't believe that this is only the 3rd time he is on the bike.
And then he fell, on the same spot like the last 2 times hahaha~ Have told him umpteen times to slow down while navigating a curve but he wouldn't listen. Well, he just have to learn it the hard way, many many times :D Thank God for Farn! Who Little DinoEgg try to catch up (and never could), Farn will turn back once he hit the end of the road and when Little DinoEgg sees him, he will turn back and follow him. At least I do not need to keep on walking, he will come back to me; or rather ride pass me hehhehe~ We walked pass sis & Han a few times too, she is still taking it slow n steady :)
I am not so lucky with Little DinoEgg, there were a couple of times he ride so fast n was so far away from me that he is only a tiny speck. At first I was worried but then I saw him turning back n ride back to me :) I was enjoying the slow walk, keeping an eye on Little DinoEgg n Farn (who zooms pass me so many times), then I saw Farn running so fast towards me. I thought "must be Little DinoEgg fall down again." and I was right. However this time (the 5th time!) its a bad fall. According to Farn, the bicycle landed on him and he was crying so loud. There was a group of teenagers crowding around him when I got to him. They helped him up, comfort him while Farn went off to look for me. One of the boy says he fell backwards n hit the back of his head on the ground while the bicycle in on him. OMG! Then Farn says he saw him riding pass him on the other direction and he wanted to follow. However, forgetting how fast he is going, he made a quick turn n thus crashes down. Aye~~~
Thats the end of the cycling, he refuse to get back on. Instead he wants me to push the bike back to the pit stop and return it. Han also wants to return the bike, so everyone returns and we head off to Burger King for some food. We pop by Polliwogs to see if its possible to go in, no such luck :( Guess we have to come again next time. We had a crazy chicken tenders with fries meal at Burger King then decides to head back to sis' house since we had no idea where to go next and its already 6pm+.
Little DinoEgg had a fun time playing n quarrelling n snatching (only once though) toys with Han, while I laze ard and watch tv :P Its a tiring day for both of us, a painful one for Little Dinoegg fm all those falls off the bike. Hope he gets better at it and no more falls.
When we reach Polliwogs, we got a shock! There were SOOO MANY PEOPLE!!!! Its obviously over crowded and noisy :( The kids were disappointed that they could not go into Polliwogs but they got over it fairly quickly when we say we go cycling instead. The happiest of all is Little DinoEgg who wish that he could fly to the pit stop that instant.
Within minutes all 3 kids were on their bikes riding like the wind~~~ oh ok except for Han :P She's going slow n steady. Little DinoEgg zooms aheads of me so fast! I can't even catch up :( but he is still within my sight. Can't believe that this is only the 3rd time he is on the bike.
And then he fell, on the same spot like the last 2 times hahaha~ Have told him umpteen times to slow down while navigating a curve but he wouldn't listen. Well, he just have to learn it the hard way, many many times :D Thank God for Farn! Who Little DinoEgg try to catch up (and never could), Farn will turn back once he hit the end of the road and when Little DinoEgg sees him, he will turn back and follow him. At least I do not need to keep on walking, he will come back to me; or rather ride pass me hehhehe~ We walked pass sis & Han a few times too, she is still taking it slow n steady :)
I am not so lucky with Little DinoEgg, there were a couple of times he ride so fast n was so far away from me that he is only a tiny speck. At first I was worried but then I saw him turning back n ride back to me :) I was enjoying the slow walk, keeping an eye on Little DinoEgg n Farn (who zooms pass me so many times), then I saw Farn running so fast towards me. I thought "must be Little DinoEgg fall down again." and I was right. However this time (the 5th time!) its a bad fall. According to Farn, the bicycle landed on him and he was crying so loud. There was a group of teenagers crowding around him when I got to him. They helped him up, comfort him while Farn went off to look for me. One of the boy says he fell backwards n hit the back of his head on the ground while the bicycle in on him. OMG! Then Farn says he saw him riding pass him on the other direction and he wanted to follow. However, forgetting how fast he is going, he made a quick turn n thus crashes down. Aye~~~
Thats the end of the cycling, he refuse to get back on. Instead he wants me to push the bike back to the pit stop and return it. Han also wants to return the bike, so everyone returns and we head off to Burger King for some food. We pop by Polliwogs to see if its possible to go in, no such luck :( Guess we have to come again next time. We had a crazy chicken tenders with fries meal at Burger King then decides to head back to sis' house since we had no idea where to go next and its already 6pm+.
Little DinoEgg had a fun time playing n quarrelling n snatching (only once though) toys with Han, while I laze ard and watch tv :P Its a tiring day for both of us, a painful one for Little Dinoegg fm all those falls off the bike. Hope he gets better at it and no more falls.

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