Recently I joined a new group of mummies who loves to blog, they inspired me to start blogging again. So here's the first post after 5mths of absence.
*dusting off cobwebs n chasing spidy away*
Thinking back, I joined the social network Facebook some 3yrs ago, I made some FB (facebook) friends, found old friends, got connected with family & friends from other forums etc. It was a love hate relationship with FB, I get weirdos who post offending if not disturbing posts that appears on my wall (Its immediate click on the "Unfriend" button for these pple!). I have friends who post just about anything tt happen to them there n then, photos of every events (heart warming), rants, bitching etc It was kinda entertaining to read about what's happening in their life even though we may not have met each other before. I even leave my comments in some of their post.
I am very blessed to met a group of crazy, fun, entertaining friends where we will go crazy finishing task in a certain FB cooking game. I have a handful of friends who were actually scared of if not detest mouse in real life but goes crazy, mad, angry, frustrated when they can't catch one in the game.
I am glad to say that I've met up with a couple of them residing in our neighbouring country, plans of meeting with a couple of friends from another country are being made as I blog right now. And you know what? No awkwardness, no shyness, no holding back when we actually see each other for the 1st time. It was as if we have known each other long enough to feel absolutely at ease with each other.
Thanks to the high technology, the WWW, the intelligence of mankind or whatever you call that.
And here's to all of you, my FB friends! Cheers to our friendship!

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