Saturday, March 17, 2007

Injection Day

Today bring Little DinoEgg for his 3rd Hep B injection. Was late coz I woke up late, as I was sick n could not wake up even thou the alarm clocks goes off. Reached SingHealth @ 920am, quickly get a number n ran up to 2nd floor.

While waiting there was an annoucement that the clinic is giving a free talk on food nutritions for babies 6mths up. I joined and gain alot of knowledge, will post it up later when I have time what i have learnt.

Anyway, DinoEgg's weigh today is 9.580kg n 71cm long. I asked the nurse whether he is overweight as he is like double the size of HanHan. She said he is on the heavier side but becoz he is "long" aka tall, so he is ok. *Phew* I thot he is overweight then i have to cut down on his food or make him exercise more.

DinoEgg is good today, when the nurse poke the LONG needle into his left thigh he cried abit but I used his pacifier to distract him. He cried for less then 1min n is calmed, happily playing with his pacifier. We went back to the nutrition class to continue part 2.
Reached home ard 1230pm, fed DinoEgg his milk ard 1pm n put him to sleep. He is now still having a peaceful sleep in the sarong in the living with the TV sound accompany him.

WOW!! I am DEAD TIRED!!!!!!
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